September 18, 2017
8:38 am
BBC launches services for Ethiopia and Eritrea

Source: BBC
The BBC World Service has launched three websites for Ethiopia and neighbouring Eritrea as part of its biggest expansion since the 1940s.
The sites would be a “source of truth” in a region with limited independent media, said BBC editor Will Ross.
The Amharic, Afaan Oromo and Tigrinya sites’ launch will be followed in a few months by the launch of radio programmes in the three languages.
The UK government announced a funding boost for the World Service in 2015.
It paved the way for the expansion drive in Africa and Asia.
“We know that there is a great deal of hunger for audiences in Ethiopia and Eritrea to access a broad range of high quality content in Amharic, Afaan Oromo and Tigrinya,” said Ross, head of the new services. Read more…